“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”
-Isaac Newton

My Giants are my parents: two public school educators who encouraged me to focus on homework and take advantage of the extracurricular activities available at school. Because I had the support of my parents and excellent teachers, I was able to be curious and explore my varied interests; as a result, I developed a lifelong love of learning.

When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up my answer was always “a teacher” …. and then I went to law school. Despite the career pivot, I never stopped wanting to help children learn, grow, and set goals for their future selves. I may not be teaching, but as a leader and attorney for Neola, I have had the opportunity to partner with clients and develop policies that allow school districts to prioritize education over “management.” Allowing teachers to put children first means schools – and kids – succeed.

Many of you knew my father, Richard Clapp: a lifelong educator who enjoyed a second career as President and CEO of Neola. After his death in March 2020, I became both the President of Neola and the steward of his professional legacy. I am inspired to continue in his footsteps to enable the next generation of school leaders to continue putting children first.

In fact, the entire team at Neola– from the former school administrators working directly with clients to the team of dedicated professionals in Coshocton, Ohio who process policies – share a common goal: to support you while you support children. Neola is proud to support its clients by providing up-to-date, legally compliant policies and being a resource when issues arise. We know that the ever-changing requirements imposed by legislation, court decisions, and regulatory agencies make it difficult for school districts to stay up to date with policies and have time to focus on the needs of children.

Every child deserves their own Giants. At Neola, we view you, our clients, as the Giants who bestow the ability to see further and reach higher upon the children in your care. We understand the importance of your mission; let us help you focus on what matters most of all.

I look forward to working together,

Amanda J. Clapp, Esq.
President | Neola, Inc.