Otsego Local School District
Bylaws & Policies


Teacher Evaluation Policy

The Board of Education (Board) of Otsego Local School District (District) adopts the following teacher evaluation policy in accordance with the standards-based statewide teacher evaluation framework adopted by the State Board of Education in November 2011. The Board acknowledges that this teacher evaluation policy aligns with the Standards for the Teaching Profession as set forth in State law.

The Board directs the Superintendent to implement this policy in accordance with State law. The requirements of this policy prevail over any conflicting provisions of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after September 24, 2012.

Definition of "Teacher"

This policy applies to District employees who meet one of the following categories:



A teacher working under a license issued under R.C. 3319.22, 3319.26, 3319.222 or 3319.226 who spends at least fifty percent (50%) of his/her time providing content-related student instruction; or



A teacher working under a permanent certificate issued under R.C. .222 as existed prior to September 2003 who spends at least fifty percent (50%) of his/her time providing content-related student instruction; or



A teacher working under a permanent certificate issued under R.C. 3319.222 as it existed prior to September 2006 who spends at least fifty percent (50%) of his/her time providing content-related student instruction; or



A teacher working under a permit issued under R.C. 3319.301 who spends at least fifty percent (50%) of his/her time providing content-related student instruction.

Principals and assistant principals shall be evaluated in accordance with the principal evaluation policy adopted by the Board in accordance with R.C. 3319.02.

This policy does not apply to the superintendent, assistant superintendent(s), business manager, treasurer or "other administrator" as defined by R.C. 3319.02.

Substitute teachers and teachers not meeting this definition are not subject to evaluation under this policy. Full time bargaining unit members who do not meet the definition will be evaluated utilizing the evaluation procedures of the collective bargaining agreement in effect between the Board and the Otsego Education Association.

Assigning an Effectiveness Rating

Each evaluation will result in an effectiveness rating of "Accomplished," "Proficient," "Developing," or "Ineffective." An effectiveness rating is based on the following two categories: 1) Teacher Performance; and 2) Student Growth Measures. Fifty percent (50%) of the evaluation will be attributed to teacher performance and fifty percent (50%) will be attributed to multiple measures of student growth.

Teacher Performance and Student Growth Measures ratings shall be combined to reach the summative teacher effectiveness rating. The Evaluation Matrix is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein.

The Superintendent shall annually submit to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), in accordance with ODE guidelines, the number of teachers assigned an effectiveness rating, aggregated by the teacher preparation programs from which, and the years in which, the teachers graduated.

Evaluation Sequence

Accomplished Teachers

A teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the board of education and who receives a final summative rating score of "Accomplished" on his/her most recent evaluation will be formally evaluated every three years as long as the teacher receives a Student Growth Measure Score of "At Expected Growth" or "Above Expected Growth" in the most recent school year. Teachers who qualify for this exception will receive one formal observation and a post-conference interview with a credentialed evaluator in any year that he/she is exempt from the formal evaluation process. The teacher will also continue to receive a Student Growth Measure score every year.

A teacher who is not in the last year of a limited contract and who receives a final summative rating score of "Accomplished" on his/her most recent evaluation will be formally evaluated every three years as long as the teacher receives a Student Growth Measure Score of "At Expected Growth" or "Above Expected Growth" in the most recent school year. Teachers who qualify for this exception will receive one (1) formal observation and a post-conference interview with a credentialed evaluator in any year that he/she is exempt from the formal evaluation process. The teacher will also continue to receive a Student Growth Measure score every year.

Skilled Teachers

A teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the board of education and who receives a final summative rating score of "Skilled" on his/her most recent evaluation will be formally evaluated every two years as long as the teacher receives a Student Growth Measure Score of "At Expected Growth" or "Above Expected Growth" in the most recent school year. Teachers who qualify for this exception will receive one formal observation and a post-conference interview with a credentialed evaluator in any year that he/she is exempt from the formal evaluation process. The teacher will also continue to receive a Student Growth Measure score every year.

A teacher who is not in the last year of a limited contract and who receives a final summative rating score of "Skilled" on his/her most recent evaluation will be formally evaluated every two years as long as the teacher receives a Student Growth Measure Score of "At Expected Growth" or "Above Expected Growth" in the most recent school year. Teachers who qualify for this exception will receive one formal observation and a post-conference interview with a credentialed evaluator in any year that he/she is exempt from the formal evaluation process. The teacher will also continue to receive a Student Growth Measure score every year.

Retiring Teachers

A teacher who has submitted a notice of retirement by November 1st will not be evaluated as long as the board of education has accepted the retirement by December 1st.

Teachers on Extended Leave

A teacher who is on leave from the district for fifty percent (50%) or more of the school year will not be evaluated in that year.

Calculating Teacher Performance

Teacher Performance is evaluated during at least two cycles of formal observations and periodic classroom walkthroughs by district administrators. Fifty percent (50%) of the effectiveness rating will be attributed to Teacher Performance through a holistic process based upon the following Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and training for credentialed evaluators:



Understanding Student Learning and Development and Respecting the Diversity of the Students they Teach;



Understanding the Content Area for which they have Instructional Responsibility;



Understanding and Using Varied Assessment to Inform Instruction, Evaluate and Ensure Student Learning;



Planning and Delivering Effective Instruction that Advances Individual Student Learning;



Creating Learning Environments that Promote High Levels of Learning and Student Achievement;



Collaborating and Communicating with Students, Parents, Other Educators, District Administrators and the Community to Support Student Learning; and



Assuming Responsibility for Professional Growth, Performance and Involvement.

The Superintendent/designee shall select or develop, in consultation with teachers, evaluation tools to be used in calculating the Teacher Performance fifty percent (50%), which must be aligned to the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Performance Rubric.

Calculating Student Growth Measures

For purposes of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), "student growth" means the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time. This component of the evaluation includes some combination of the following: 1) Teacher-level Value-Added Data; 2) ODE-Approved Assessments; and/or 3) Locally-determined Measures.



Teacher-level Value-Added: "Value-Added" refers to the value-added methodology provided by ODE. Where value-added data for grades 4-8 for English language arts and mathematics exists (via state-provided assessments), value-added data must be one of the multiple measures used in calculating student growth.



ODE Approved List of Assessments: Assessments, if utilized by the district, must be included as one of the multiple measures of student growth. Assessments utilized must be included when calculating the fifty percent (50%) attributed to student growth measures. The Superintendent/designee, in consultation with teachers and subject to Board approval, will utilize the assessments on the approved list as he/she deems necessary and appropriate.



Locally-determined Measures: For courses of instruction in which neither teacher level value-added data nor ODE-approved assessments are available, the Superintendent/designee, in consultation with teachers and subject to Board and a Student Learning Objective (SLO) committee approval, shall establish a process in accordance with ODE guidance to create SLOs to measure student growth in the courses of instruction.

The Board will utilize the following categories and percentages to determine the Student Growth Measurer portion of the Teacher Evaluation.



Teachers instructing in value-added subjects exclusively; fifty percent (50%) Value Added Data.



Teachers instructing in value added courses but not exclusively; Teachers instructing in value-added courses, but not exclusively, will utilize teacher value-added and locally determined measures proportionate to the teacher’s schedule.



Teachers instructing in areas with Ohio Department of Education approved vendor assessments with teacher level data available - 10% Vendor Assessment Data and 40% LEA Measurers.



Teachers instructing in areas where no teacher level value added or approved vendor assessment is available – 100% LEA Measurers.

In the calculation for student academic growth, a student who has forty-five (45) or more absences (excused or unexcused) for the school year will not be included.

Data from these multiple measures will be scored on five levels in accordance with ODE guidance and converted to a score in one of three levels of student growth: 1) "Above"; 2) "Expected"; and 3) "Below."

Evaluation Timeline

District administrators shall conduct an evaluation of each teacher subject to this policy at least annually. Each evaluation shall include: 1) At least two (2) cycles of formal observations of at least thirty (30) minutes each; and 2) Periodic classroom walkthroughs by the evaluator. All teacher evaluations shall be completed by the first day of May and each teacher subject to this policy shall be provided with a written copy of the evaluation results by the tenth day of May.

Teachers on a limited contract who are under consideration for renewal/nonrenewal, and teachers who in the discretion of their evaluator/building administrator have performance deficiencies or concerns that may lead to non-renewal, shall receive at least three (3) formal observations in addition to periodic classroom walkthroughs unless the Superintendent waives the third observation cycle by the first day of May. Each teacher on a limited or extended limited contract shall be provided with a written copy of the evaluation results by the tenth day of May.

A teacher who was granted a continuing contract and receives a rating of "Accomplished" on his/her most recent evaluation shall be evaluated every other year.

Credentialed Evaluators

The Board shall authorize the Superintendent/ designee to approve and maintain a list of credentialed evaluators as necessary to effectively implement this policy which will be comprised of Otsego Administrators only. Each teacher evaluation conducted under this policy shall be conducted by an Otsego Administrator: 1) who is eligible to be an evaluator in accordance with R.C. 3319.111(D); and 2) who holds a credential established by ODE for being an evaluator. Every evaluator must complete state-sponsored evaluation training and is required to pass an online credentialing assessment.

Professional Growth and Improvement Plans

Teachers must develop professional growth or improvement plans based on the Evaluation Matrix. Teachers who meet Above-Expected levels of student growth must develop a professional growth plan and choose their credentialed evaluator for the evaluation cycle from the Board-approved list. The professional growth plan shall include the following components:



Use the Framework to identify strengths and areas for professional growth



Establish two (2) clear goals



Develop a plan for achieving each goal

Please refer to Exhibit A – for the Professional Growth Plan Template.

Teachers who meet Expected levels of student growth must develop a professional growth plan collaboratively with a credentialed evaluator for the evaluation cycle from the Board-approved list. The teacher will have input on the selection of a credentialed evaluator for the evaluation cycle. The professional growth plan shall include the following components:



Use the Framework to identify strengths and areas for professional growth



Establish two (2) clear goals



Develop a plan for achieving each goal

Please refer to Exhibit A – for the Professional Growth Plan Template.

Teachers who meet Below-Expected levels of student growth must comply with an improvement plan developed by the credentialed evaluator assigned by the Superintendent/designee for the evaluation cycle from the Board-approved list.

Please refer to Exhibit B – for the Improvement Plan Template.

Testing for Teachers in Core Subject Areas

Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, core subject area teachers must register for and complete all written examinations of content knowledge selected by the Ohio Department of Education if the teacher has received an effectiveness rating of "Ineffective" on his/her annual evaluation for two (2) of the three (3) most recent school years.

If a teacher passes the examination set forth above and provides proof of that passage to the Board, the teacher at his/her own expense will complete professional development that is targeted to the deficiencies identified in the teacher's evaluations conducted under this policy.

The following may be grounds for termination of a teacher pursuant to R.C. 3319.16:



Failing to complete all required written examinations under this section;



A failing score on a written examination(s) taken pursuant to this section;



A rating of "ineffective" on the teacher’s next evaluation after passing all written examinations pursuant to this section and after completion of the required professional development; or



Failure of a teacher to complete the required professional development.

Any teacher passing the examination set forth above will not be required to take the examination again for three (3) years, regardless of the teacher's evaluation ratings or the performance index score ranking of the building in which the teacher teaches. No teacher shall be responsible for the cost of taking an examination set forth above.

Board Professional Development Plan

In accordance with the Ohio State Board of Education’s statewide evaluation framework, the Board has adopted a specific plan for the allocation of financial resources to support the professional development of teachers covered by this policy. The plan will be reviewed annually.

Retention and Promotion Decisions/Removal of Poorly Performing Teachers

It is the purpose of this Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation Policy to improve the quality of instruction, enhance student learning and strengthen professional competence through meaningful feedback and targeted professional development. In addition, the evaluations produced will serve to inform the Board on employment decisions, i.e., retention, promotion of teachers, renewal of teaching contracts, and the removal/nonrenewal of poorly performing teachers.


"Retention" for purposes of this policy refers to employment decisions on the question of whether or not to suspend a contract pursuant to a reduction in force, non-renew a limited or extended limited contract, or terminate employment for good and just cause. In the case of a reduction in force, seniority will not be considered when making decisions on contract suspensions, except in the instance of comparable evaluations. The decision to non-renew or terminate the contract of a poorly performing teacher may be informed by the evaluation(s) conducted under this policy. However, decisions to non-renew or terminate a teaching contract are not limited by the existence of this policy.

"Promotion" as used in this context is of limited utility given the fact that teachers covered by this policy are not currently employed in any discernible hierarchy. Nevertheless, when making decisions relative to such matters as determining department or grade level chairpersons, selections to curricular or strategic planning bodies, or teaching assignments, the Board will consider teacher performance as indicated by evaluations.

"Poorly Performing Teachers" refers to teachers identified through the evaluation process set forth in this policy who demonstrate an inability and/or unwillingness to meet the reasonable expectations of this standards-based evaluation system.

"Comparable Evaluations" Since seniority may not be the basis for teacher retention or other employment decisions, except when deciding between teachers who have comparable evaluations. The Board of Education and the Association agree that for the purpose of making decisions relating to the retention, promotion, removal or reduction in force of bargaining unit members, teachers shall be considered comparable unless they receive a final summative rating pursuant to the Board-approved Evaluation Policy of "Ineffective."

Removal of Poorly Performing Teachers

Poorly performing teachers may be removed, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, either through non-renewal or termination, when the following has been demonstrated:



Failure of a core subject area teacher required to take a written examination to pass such examination;



Failure of core subject area teacher required to take a written examination to complete required professional development;



Failure of core subject area teacher to complete all required written examinations;



Receipt of an "Ineffective" rating by a core subject area teacher in the evaluation following passage of a written examination and completion of required professional development;



Receipt by any teacher of two (2) consecutive evaluations with an "Ineffective" rating.

Nothing in this policy will be deemed to prevent the Board from exercising its rights to non-renew, terminate, or suspend a teaching contract as provided by law and the terms of the collective bargaining agreement in effect between it and the Otsego Board of Education. The evaluation system and procedures set forth in this policy shall not create an expectation of continued employment for teachers on a limited contract that are evaluated under this policy. The Board reserves the right to non-renew a teacher evaluated under this policy in accordance with R.C. 3319.11 notwithstanding the teacher’s summative rating.

R.C. 3319.02, 3319.11, 3319.111, 3319.112, 3319.114, 3319.22, 3319.222
R.C. 3319.226, 3319.26, 3319.58, 3333.0411
A.C. 3301-35-03(A)
Sub. H.B. 362

Adopted 6/25/13
Revised 9/24/13
Revised 10/28/14
Revised 7/26/16

© Neola 2014