Ida Public School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education has an obligation to the citizens of this District to employ the professional leadership best trained and equipped to meet the educational needs of their children. It shall meet that obligation by retaining only a highly-qualified person as Superintendent for this District.

If the services of the Superintendent are found to be unsatisfactory to the Board, s/he shall be notified by the President and given an opportunity to correct the conditions.

If his/her services continue to be unsatisfactory, the Superintendent shall be notified in writing by the President, as approved by the Board.

The Board may non-renew the Superintendent's contract, with or without cause and with or without prior notice, provided it votes on non-renewal and provides written notice of the non-renewal at least ninety (90) days prior to expiration date of the contract. Failure to take timely action or give timely notice will result in renewal of the contract for an additional year.

The Board may choose whether to extend the contract for an additional year during the term of the contract, in accordance with the terms of the contract.

The contract of the Superintendent may be terminated during its term for cause. The Superintendent shall be entitled to notice of the reasons and a reasonable opportunity to address the Board prior to any vote on termination of the contract.

M.C.L. 380.1229

© Neola 2012