Ida Public School District
Bylaws & Policies


The Board of Education believes that, in general, it is the primary duty of the Board to establish policies and that of the Superintendent to administer such policies. Policy should not be originated or changed without the recommendation of the Superintendent. The Superintendent should be given the latitude to determine the best method of implementing the policies of the Board.

The Superintendent, as the chief administrative officer of the School District, is the primary professional advisor to the Board. S/He is responsible for the development, supervision, and operation of the school program and facilities. His/Her methods should be made known to the staff through the administrative guidelines of the District. The Board shall retain oversight supervision of such administrative guidelines.

The Superintendent and those administrators directed by the Superintendent shall attend all Board meetings, when feasible. Administrative participation shall be by professional counsel, guidance, and recommendation - as distinct from deliberation, debate, and voting of Board members.

In order to expedite negotiation procedures, the Superintendent is appointed as chief representative of the Board for the purpose of determining negotiation strategies and members of negotiation teams for collective bargaining with recognized unions and employee units.

The Board is responsible for determining the success of the Superintendent in meeting the goals established by the Board through annual evaluations of the Superintendent's performance. The Board, in formulating its position with regard to the performance of the Superintendent, shall rely, whenever possible, on the objective outcomes of its evaluations rather than on subjective opinions.

The Superintendent shall be the chief executive officer of the SchoolDistrict and shall be responsible for the professional leadership and skill necessary to translate the will of the Board, as expressed through its policies, into administrative action.

The Superintendent shall be responsible for all aspects of school operation and for such duties and powers pertaining thereto that the Board may direct or delegate. The Superintendent may delegate responsibility and authority necessary to discharge that responsibility to other employees and develop such procedures and regulations as are necessary to ensure efficient operation of the schools.

The Board in all phases of school operation will work through the Superintendent, who will direct other employees in regard to such operations unless mutually agreed between the Superintendent and the Board.

The Board presumes that the Superintendent is professionally able and possesses qualities of leadership, vision and administrative skill, and that s/he will implement all policies of the Board in good faith.

The Superintendent may assume that the Board will respect his/her professional competence and extend to him/her full responsibility for implementing Board policy decision. The Superintendent has a right to assume the Board's support for his/her decision in the administration of the school provided they are in line with Board policy.

Because of the unique and close working relationship between the Board and Superintendent, mutual loyalty and respect are essential if the Board and Superintendent are to work together in the best interests of education for the children of the SchoolDistrict.

Specifically the Superintendent shall:

 A.attend all Board meetings except when his/her tenure or contract is being considered;

 B.have the right to speak on matters, but not the right to vote;

 C.present a financial statement of money spent up to and including the date of the first meeting of each month;

 D.assist the Board in all matters pertaining to the general welfare of the school and perform such other duties as the Board may determine;

 E.offer professional advice to the Board on items requiring Board action, with appropriate recommendations based on thorough study and analysis;

 F.interpret and execute the intent of Board policy; and accept constructive criticism of his/her work; Board policy and action to the public and staff;

 I.have a harmonious working relationship with the Board;

 J.recommend to the Board persons to be employed, transferred, reassigned, or dismissed as staff members;

 K.keep the Board informed to the extent possible concerning the administrative decisions and/or problems which appear to be of such significance that the Board might ultimately become involved.

Specifically the Board shall:

 A.establish written policies for the guidance of the Superintendent in the operation of the schools;

 B.provide the Superintendent with a clear statement of the expectations of performance and personal qualities against which s/he will be measured periodically;

 C.reach decisions only on the basis of study of all available background data and consideration of the recommendation of the Superintendent;

 D.request information through the Superintendent;

 E.provide a climate of mutual respect and trust, offering commendation whenever earned and constructive criticism when necessary; willing to devote the necessary time as individuals to becoming effective Board members;

 G.consider all appointments, transfers, reassignments or dismissals of staff members as recommended by the Superintendent;

 H.refer persons bringing complaints to an individual Board member to the Board's policy on handling complaints from the public.